Frequently Asked Questions

While we are confident you will continue to experience the same great service you have grown accustomed to, there are some changes we would like to make you aware of. We have created this “Frequently Asked Questions” page to help guide you through some of these changes. You will find the following information:

  • How to contact us
  • How to access your online account information
  • Where to mail your payments

How can we contact you?

You can contact your local Culligan team the following ways:
Phone: 732-256-8039

I am on a regular delivery route; will that continue?

Yes! Your products will continue to be delivered just as they are today. However, your delivery day may change. You will receive delivery reminders via email and text about any future delivery. Your next delivery date can be found on the top of the welcome letter.

Where do I send my payments?

Our remittance address for check payments is:
Culligan Ann Arbor/Detroit
PO Box 2932
Wichita, KS 67201-2932

When will I receive my first statement from Culligan Ann Arbor/Detroit?

Your first statement for November will arrive the first week of December 2022. You may notice the timing of your bill will change. We send bills once a month, at the end of each calendar month.

When are payments due?

Payments are due the 15th of every month for the prior month statement. Your first payment for the November 2022 bill will be due December 15, 2022.

Will my account number change?

Yes, your account number will change. Your new account number is located at the top of the welcome letter. Your first statement from us will also have your new account number. Or you can use the account converter located here.

Can I view account online? Do you have an app?

Yes! You can view your account, statements, balance, next delivery dates, and pay your bill online at While we do not have a downloadable app, our site is mobile friendly so you can make payments or delivery updates. You will need your new account number to enroll, which is located at the top of your welcome letter. Or you can use the account converter located here.

Can you email me my statement instead of mailing it to me?

Yes! Please contact us at to have this set up!

What if i sent my payment to ReadyRefresh® after November 4, 2022?

Don’t worry, ReadyRefresh® will forward us any of your payments they receive. Please be sure to update your records so that future payments are sent to us.

I have bank payments set up through my bank, do I need to update the information?

Yes! Please change the information with your bank to send payments to:

Culligan Ann Arbor/Detroit

PO Box 2932
Wichita, KS 67201-293

I am currently enrolled in auto pay through ReadyRefresh®, will that continue with Culligan?

Yes, your auto pay will continue with Culligan. Please make note of a couple of changes:
1. Your automatic payment will be deducted on the 15th of every month.
2. The description you will see on your bank account will be “Culligan Ann Arbor/Detroit”. You will see this description on your first auto pay around December 15, 2022 for your November statement.